Thursday 7 August 2014

Sallow kitten and Double kidney in spite of the deluge!

Trapping Coed Y Bont on Tuesday night I concentrated on the large area of clear fell which is has well developed secondary growth of birch and willow.  It howled down with rain so I was not hopeful but caught over 50 species without the micros in 2 traps, 10w and 15w synergetics (green tubes).
I had not caught either of these two before so was well pleased.  Sorry they are on different scales, the kitten was more impressive than it looks.
Others included Oblique carpet, Devon carpet,Small wainscot, Green carpet,  Least yellow underwing, and the first Flounced rustic this season.  Micros included the largest one(?) Mother of Pearl and one of the tiniest, Argyresthia retinella.


  1. Great stuff, nowt much up 'er in Lancs.
    Regarding the biggest little 'un. It must be the largest common micro, but I do believe Schoenobius gigantella can go up to 23mm.

    1. Luckily I've seen that one also … Cambs on the way to Birdfair!!


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