Saturday 30 September 2023

Scalloped Hazel - 2nd Generation

Our catch last night included this exceptional second generation Scalloped Hazel and our first Green-brindled Crescent and Red-line Quaker for this year.

Carolyn & Evan
Scalloped Hazel

Green-brindled Crescent

Red-line Quaker

Thursday 14 September 2023

Blogger problems

 Just to let you know that Pete Skinner is not ignoring blogs on here but for some reason the blog has decided he should not comment on posts.

Normal service should be resumed as soon as possible.


Monday 11 September 2023

Clifden Nonpareil in Llangeitho

 Recent trappings here have produced very modest yields, in the 20s and 30s and last night was no exception with just 31 moths, 18 species.


Clifden Nonpareil

...near the bottom of the trap was my first Clifden Nonpareil. I had changed the trap light to one with eight, rather than four LEDs, along the lines of that developed by Gunnar Brehm, but I think the CN was luck rather than three extra UV LEDs.

Clifden Nonpareil and Feathered Gothic

Others included Brindled Green (also new to me), Rosy Rustic, Light Emerald and a Rusty-dot Pearl. Sometimes, quality is preferable to quantity!

Migrants welcome

 Friday's trap in a grassy field resulted in mostly Square-spot Rustics (c65 out of 95 moths), with Rusty-dot Pearl and Dark Sword-grass the migrant highlights. Last night, in the garden trap, Palpita Vitrealis and a Vestal arrived not long after dusk, and a Pinion-streaked Snout was my first this year.

Sunday 10 September 2023

Possible Neglected Rustic

..... and from our nearby oak woodland close to heathland we had what we believed could be a Neglected Rustic but are not completely happy.   Any possible thoughts on this?

Carolyn and Evan

First Autumnal Moths

 Trapping last night included our first autumnal moths - Centre-barred Sallow, Pink-barred Sallow and Autumnal Rustic together with  Copper Underwing and surprisingly a second generation White Ermine. 

Carolyn & Evan

Autumnal Rustic

Centre-barred Sallow

Pink-barred Sallow