Saturday 31 August 2019

Buff-tip Larva

We rescued this Buff-tip larva crossing the road outside our house this afternoon.

Carolyn & Evan

Wednesday 28 August 2019

Dotted Rustic

Red Liford found this moth in his garden. It is only the third county record. Previous records are from the Rothamsted trap at Tregaron in 1976 and 2007.

Early Autumn moths

Summer must be nearly over judging by some moths from recent traps.
Tony & Ina
"Ear" moth, probably Large Ear

Square-spot Rustic

Autumnal Rustic


September Thorn

Treble-bar (2nd generation)

Dusky Thorn

Monday 26 August 2019

Feathered Gothic

This rather smart Feathered Gothic was in the trap this morning. I've seen them before but not too often.  Also in the trap the first Sallow of the year. a couple of Gold Spots and a lot of Large Yellow Underwing..

Wednesday 21 August 2019

Convolvulus Hawk-moth

This beautiful moth was spotted by a visitor to the New Quay area last week. This is only the 21st record for Ceredigion, and the first since 2016 when 9 individuals were discovered in a tiny back garden in Borth.
Thanks to Alexa Conder for the record and the photographs.

Monday 19 August 2019

Two Second Generation Drepanidae

The catch from our garden trap this morning included these two second generation Drepanidae - a smaller Oak Hook-tip and a Chinese Character, a flush of Flounced Rustic and two other visitors - this burying beetle and there be dragons!

Carolyn & Evan

Oak Hook-tip

Chinese Character
Flounced Rustic

Nicrophorus investigator

Common Darter (f)

Tuesday 6 August 2019

Bordered Beauty

We discovered this attractive Bordered Beauty in our conservatory this morning.

Carolyn & Evan

Saturday 3 August 2019

Blomer's Rivulet

We were delighted to see this Blomer's Rivulet from a trap in an Aberystwyth garden this morning.

Carolyn & Evan

Loxostege sticticalis

I ran two traps last night to capitalize on the weather. Amongst the Large Yellow Underwings (c150) was a Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing, only my second Double-lobed, and a late Buff-tip. Rosy Rustic (first this year) and Brown China-mark in both traps. Micros included the gorse feeder Brachmia blandella, Scrobipalpa costella, Cedestis subfasciella, Azalea leaf-miner, Gold triangle and the migrant Loxostege sticticalis:

Migrants in the Garden

In the Talybont garden trap last night amongst 52 (minimum) species were 12 Diamond-backs, 2 Rush Veneer, 1 Silver Y and last but not least 2 Painted Lady.
Ina and Tony

Friday 2 August 2019

Rosy Marsh Moth

We had 24 on Cors Fochno last night, outnumbered only by True Lover's Knot, Large Yellow Underwing, and Clouded Border.
Tony & Ina