Tuesday 30 January 2018

Mottled Umber - female

This Mottled Umber - Erannis defoliaria - was found as a small larva 6th May 2017.  Fed and nurtured as only a good mother could (if you believe that!). She has spent the winter as a pupa in the garden, kept safe in an old yoghurt pot and emerged a few days ago.
Ina and Tony

Wednesday 24 January 2018

Oak Beauty

We found this unseasonably early Oak Beauty in our garden trap this morning.  We note our earliest record last year was 04/03/17.

Carolyn & Evan

Tuesday 23 January 2018

January Moths

The first trap from a rather wet (but could have been worse) Ynys-hir last night.  Only four species but due to the weather conditions the traps were perhaps not in an ideal location.
Tony & Ina

Tortricodes alternella

Winter Moth - Operophtera brumata

Pale Brindled Beauty - Phigalia pilosaria

Mottled Umber - Erannis defoliaria

Saturday 20 January 2018

Spring Usher

Spring is around the corner!  We had our first Spring Ushers this morning - one from the garden and ten from our nearby oak woodland together with Winter Moth, Mottled Umber and Chestnut.  We note our first Spring Ushers last year were over a week later (29/01/2017).

Carolyn & Evan

Saturday 13 January 2018

Early Hebrew Character

There are a few "brave" moths out there at the moment. Earlier in the week we had a Dark Chestnut and a Chestnut.

Last night saw our first Hebrew Character of the year -Tony says 11 days earlier than the previous earliest record.