Sunday 21 October 2018

Autumn moths

We ran two traps at RSPB's Ynys-hir reserve last night and caught over 250 moths. Nearly 100 of them were Epirrita species (November Moth Agg.). Some of the 30 macro species were Merveille du Jour, Feathered Thorn, Satellite, Grey Pine Carpet, Spruce Carpet, Pine Carpet, Autumn Green Carpet, Large Wainscot, Grey Shoulder-knot, Pale Pinion, December Moth, Willow Beauty, Small Fan-footed Wave, Brick and 3 Vestal (see Sarah's post).
The 6 micros were Carcina quercana, Acleris Sparsana, Celypha lacunana, Hypsophygia costalis (Gold Triangle), Ypsolopha sequella, Calybites phasianipennella (smallest moth of the night, longest name!)
Tony & Ina

Calybites phasianipennella

Gold triangle

Merveille du Jour

Grey Pine Carpet


Large Wainscot

Pale Pinion

Thursday 11 October 2018

Brindled Green

In spite of a warm night we only had nine moths of five species in our garden trap this morning.  These included Brindled Green, Herald and Satellite together with Red Sword-grass and Chestnut.

Carolyn & Evan
Brindled Green (fl 15mm)

Cors Fochno - (Warm Southerly winds)

We were hoping for some migrants, eight Silver Ys was the best we could do.
Other moths of interest, a second generation Swallow-tailed Moth, the first December Moth of the season for us and a late Common Rustic agg. Thirty five Pink-barred Sallow topped the number charts, made a change from Black Rustics.  A late Heath Rustic managed to avoid the camera.
Canary-shouldered Thorn

Common Rustic agg

December Moth

Flounced Chestnut

Frosted Orange

Red Sword-grass

Swallow-tailed Moth

Wednesday 10 October 2018

Turnip Moth

We were surprised to find this mystery moth in our garden trap yesterday morning and initially thought it was a Pearly Underwing.    On closer inspection and a read of the books we focused on the telltale dart on the forewing and decided after all this was a Turnip Moth which was subsequently confirmed by Tony.

Carolyn & Evan


Nineteen macro and only three micro species on the coast last night.
26 Black Rustic was the most numerous, closely followed by 17 Feathered Ranunculus which is one of the advantages of trapping by the coast.
Dark Sword-grass and Rush Veneer were the two obvious migrants and the first record of a second generation Brussel's Lace for the county.
Ina and Tony
Acleris sparsana

Blair's Shoulder-knot

Brussel's Lace

Dark Chestnut

Dark Sword-grass

Feathered Ranunculus

Feathered Thorn

Green Brindled Crescent

Large Wainscot

Lunar Underwing

Red-green Carpet

Rush Veneer - top

Rush Veneer - underside - You've got to love that stripey tummy!

Ypsolopha sequella

Thursday 4 October 2018

Pale Tussock Larva

We found this attractive Pale Tussock larva fighting off an attack from a ground beetle in our field.  After rescuing and photographing it in our conservatory the larva did a Houdini and has not been seen since.

Carolyn & Evan

Wednesday 3 October 2018

Talybont Garden

A warmish night in early October and a couple of the species in and around the trap are a rare second generation in these parts; Yellow-tail and Light Emerald seldom appear round here this late in the year.
Spruce Carpet, Silver Y. Garden Carpet, Black Rustic, Canary Shouldered Thorn, Yellow-line Quaker, Red,line Quaker, Common Marbled carpet Large Yellow Underwing and Setaceous Hebrew Character were the other macros plus one carpet moth refusing to open it's wings but I would take bets on another Spruce Carpet! Two micros only, Epiphyas postvittana and Eudonia angustea.
Not a bad haul bearing in mind the garden is in the process of being re-planted...scared off all my micros! The pond has had the same treatment so hopefully next year more China-marks and less Iris Sawfly!
Black Rustic

Canary Shouldered Thorn

Common Marbled Carpet

Garden Carpet

Light Emerald

Silver Y

Yellow-line Quaker - Red-line Quaker


Tuesday 2 October 2018


I trapped in Penuwch over the weekend, despite the weather (ice on the trap on Saturday morning, strong wind and rain overnight on Sunday). The highlight was an Autumn Green Carpet, as well as an early November moth (agg). There was little else: a few Green-brindled Crescents and Yellow-line Quakers, a Dark Sword-grass and a Spruce Carpet.

Monday 1 October 2018

Mottled Umber

We had a small selection of autumnal moths this morning including this Mottled Umber.

Carolyn & Evan
Mottled Umber
Autumnal Rustic
Frosted Orange

Grey Shoulder-knot

Pink-barred Sallow

Green-brindled Crescent
Pale Pinion