Friday 22 December 2017

Very early Mottled Grey

Matthew Cock recorded this Mottled Grey which was attracted to his house lights in Llanon last night. Their normal flight period is March and April but they appear to be emerging earlier each year. There are a good number of county records in February and a few in January. Ina recorded one on 4th January last year which was the earliest county record at the time, but Matthew has seen them in December last year as well as the one this year.

Thursday 21 December 2017

National Moth Night

National Moth Night 2018 dates and theme have been released: 
14 - 16 June 2018.
The theme is "Pyralids" and it will be both a day-and-night event.

The link above will take you to the website for further information.

Anyone with records from this year - 12 - 14 October, you have until the end of the year to submit them if you wish to, details also on the above website.

Ina and Tony

Wednesday 20 December 2017

Pale Brindled Beauty

A mild winter night produced 5 macro species including this Pale Brindled Beauty.  We note that Tony & Ina had their earliest ever record of this moth on the 16th of November and this is a first for us before the New Year.  We also had 26 Winter Moths, a scattering of Mottled and Scarce Umbers and two December Moths.

Carolyn & Evan

Monday 4 December 2017

Comparison of moth catches

As promised in the previous post, I have been comparing the catch from one of last nights traps with that from the same trap in the same place on 6/12/16. I realise that this is completely unscientific and no conclusions can be drawn. The fewer species and smaller numbers could be due to weather conditions, although last night was quite mild and still. Note in diary to trap same place same time next year.

Species                            2016       2017
---------                             -----        -----
December Moth                 28          16
Winter Moth                       16            3
Mottled Umber                   37            2
Scarce Umber                     17            9
November Moth Agg.          2            0
Feathered Thorn                   6            0
Chestnut                                1           0
Northern Winter Moth          1           0
Zelleria hepariella                 1           0
Caloptilia stigmatella            1           0
Acleris ferrugana/notana       1           0

More December Moths

A few from last night in woodland.  This does not compare favourably to a similar time and the same location last year.  Tony will do the analysis later but in the mean time a few photos.
Tony and Ina

Mottled Umber

Winter Moth - (no Northern this time)

Scarce Umber

Mottled Umber

10 of 38 December Moths.