Sunday 22 December 2019

Winter moths at Ynys-hir

We were tempted by a reasonable weather forecast and almost the longest night of the year to set a couple of actinic light traps in the woodland at the RSPB reserve. The result this morning was 186 moths of 6 species: Mottled Umber 107, Winter Moth 70, Scarce Umber 3, Pale Brindled Beauty 3 (the first of the season), Chestnut 2, December Moth 1.

Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year to all contributors and readers of the Blog.
   Tony and Ina

Tuesday 17 December 2019

Mottled Umber

Just to show that you don’t even need a fancy moth trap to find something rather nice, here is a Mottled Umber which my wife found on the side window of her car this afternoon.

Monday 16 December 2019

Winter Moth

3 Winter Moths were attracted to my light this evening.
In case you wonder about the photos, they were taken a) when it was still in a pot with a hedgehog place mat in the background and b) when it settled on this quarter’s copy of Broadleaf magazine.