Hopefully the nights are getting warmer. We had a slightly better catch last night with 38 moths of 17 species. Firsts for us this year were Spruce Carpet, Brown Silver-line, Dark Sword-grass and Small Phoenix.
Tony & Ina
Hopefully the nights are getting warmer. We had a slightly better catch last night with 38 moths of 17 species. Firsts for us this year were Spruce Carpet, Brown Silver-line, Dark Sword-grass and Small Phoenix.
Tony & Ina
Amongst last night's moths were 14 Brindled Beauty - don't remember getting that many before....
On Friday 3rd at about 16:00 we found three Orange Underwings at Cors Fochno - quite good flight views but they always seem to vanish into the trees and we could never find one perched. We also looked for them that morning on the boggy area at Ynys Hir where there are loads of birches (though they are tryring to kill them I think!) but there was no sign at all. (Mind you it was a lot colder in the morning).
22 Moths and 10 species on the last night of March. Just the usual suspects including this nicely marked Engrailed