Tuesday 18 June 2013

moths on Cors Caron last night

Grey scalloped bar turned up as last year which is reassuring!  Out on the bog it was cool and breezy so not a lot but 3 of the above plus 14 True Lover's Knots.  I seem to remember that this moth has alternate years of plenty. The lovely little micro is I think Eulia ministrana?
Pic in the middle is the mystery.  Something of the pale mottled willow about it? Same size as the smaller one illustrated by Lewington.  A faded tlk? but all the others were fresh and its not the end of their season.   It was a bit browner than in my pic taken in low light.
My highlight was a Light Knot Grass, new to me.


  1. Your middle moth is another True Lover's Knot Liz and the micro is also a correct id.

  2. TLK must be one that has lived a lot and died young!!
    many thanks Peter. Got another micro in the fridge to photo later so look out!


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