Wednesday 16 July 2014

Scoparia ancipitella

I think this is Scoparia ancipitella, but given the fact that 'ambigualis' can look like almost anything I would value a second opinion.
So if Peter Hall can say for definite with out chopping it please let me know? I still have it in the fridge, maybe a better photo later.


  1. Like most people, I do find this group a challenge at times. It's made doubly hard my Eudonia males' bits also being very similar. That said, your moth looks a good candidate, but I would still prefer to chop it. I notice UK moths have only a single slightly tatty image from Patrick, so I propose that we confirm it's identity then hand your image over to Ian Kimber so we have a better one to look at on that site?

  2. Ok Peter, will will try for a better photo first.
    Cheers. Ina


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