Thursday, 15 September 2016

Convolvulus Hawk moth

I was lucky enough to catch a Convolvulus Hawk moth on Tuesday 13 September in my garden at Cross Inn, Llanon. Almost exactly a year ago, and before I had really got interested in moths, a friend had one land on her washing line and took this charming photo of her daughter admiring it. Last night the best I could manage was a single Silver Y.


  1. Great photos Phil, and a very special moth. They don't reach Ceredigion very often with only 14 previous records. It was first recorded in Aberystwyth in 1950, in the south at Birdlip farm in 1977 and at Borth primary school in 1980. The other records are from 1983, 1991, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2009, 2011, 2012, and 2015.

  2. Are they attracted to the flowery-sweet smell of the washing compound or conditioner?- one was also attracted to washing at Mumbles in Glamorgan recently.


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