Gradually seeing an increase in moth abundance and diversity - last night yielded 13 species. Highlights for the garden included firsts for year Early Thorn (1), Clouded Drab (2), Water Carpet (1) and Brindled Pug (2), among others. Four micro species recorded, including several male Elachista canapennella.
After making a mess of the kitchen a few days back, I also experimented with sugaring last night, however, the moths didn't seem too impressed... Has any one got a recipe they find effective? I don't think my mixture was quite viscous or potent enough.
Water Carpet |
Joe Parker
Early Thorn |
I don't have much success with sugaring, so maybe I could do with another recipe! I don't think sugar will compete with the tree blossom that is around at the moment. Sallow blossom seems irresistible.