Tuesday 3 May 2016

More on Brindled beauty

In response to David's post I have checked on the state of Brindled beauty in Ceredigion. There were just 24 records before 2000 but there has been 163 records since 2000. The following distribution map shows that the records are spread around the county.
The following graph shows how the numbers of records and individual moths has been increasing since 2000.

It is true that more people have been recording moths since 2000 but I think the graph indicates increasing abundance of Brindled beauty in the county. The moth is described as frequent to abundant in southern and eastern England, and that it has been spreading away from there, with greatly increased numbers in Yorkshire. Its range appears to have increased in Wales too.

In Butterfly Conservation's "The State of Britain's Larger moths 2013" Brindled beauty was reported as having declined by 87% in the 40 years up to 2007.


1 comment:

  1. Interesting Tony. There were two in the trap this morning, both males. (London Bus Syndrome) I rather think one of them might the individual I caught yesterday. It has a distinctive spot on the wing.


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