Thursday 4 September 2014

Ynyslas dunes

Following on from bog and woodland, I put two heath traps on the dunes last night. It was a very good night for mothing with a minimum of 14C. The traps were heaving with Large and Lesser yellow underwing, Square-spot rustic, Hedge rustic, Flame shoulder, Setaceous hebrew character and Green carpet, sometimes three deep with a topping of Crane-fly and Earwigs. Still good numbers of White-line dart and Archer's dart and a fresh Heart and dart. Very pleased to see an Anomalous, Galium carpet, Purple bar, Shore wainscot, Canary-shouldered thorn, and a very worn Drinker. 29 macro species in all and 3 micros: Pyrausta despicata, Eucosma camoliliana, and Agriphila inquinitella.

Galium carpet

Purple bar

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