Friday 16 May 2014

Anania funebris - Priority moth species.

One of this year's priority moth species is Anania funebris, a pretty little black and white moth which has been recorded in the county in past years.
The food plant is Goldenrod, so if anyone knows of this plant growing anywhere in the county and you have a little spare time, please have a look never know we could rediscover it!
If you do find one please take a record photograph for evidence as this moth has not been seen for around 30 years.
Here's a photo taken in north Lancashire...where I used to see them regularly. 


  1. I have some very blurred photos I took in 2011 which could possibly be Anania funebris - I'll email them to you.

  2. If this is four spotted sable then I saw one……in Sweden. Beautiful little moth. Red Liford (apart from the renowned Arthur Chater) will know where the golden rod is in Cere; I'll get on to him.

  3. Do they call them 4 spotted sable in Sweden? We call them white-spotted in Lancs.
    Any help finding lost BAP species is great... Photos if possible, as usual for anything unusual or rare.


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