Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Small Argent & Sable in Aberystwyth

Pleasantly suprised to find a Small Argent & Sable in the garden trap this morning - where did that come from? Other firsts for the garden were Dusky Brocade, Argyresthia retinella, Plodia interpunctella (Indian Meal Moth - should I be worried?) and possible Acrobasis consociella. Firsts for the year were Sandy Carpet, Purple Bar, Dot Moth, Phycitodes binaevella (probably) and Argyresthia cupressella. A Broom Moth made a welcome appearance - the first for almost two years. Please send Buff-tips!

Dusky Brocade
Argyresthia retinella

Indian Meal Moth

Acrobasis consociella?


  1. Hi Simon. There is plenty of dispersal on warm nights like these, I seem to remember you getting things that have traveled from 'the bog' in the past. Can't persuade our Buff-tips to wander your way though.
    Re your A.consociella - looks more like Ephestia unicolorella from your photo. Have another look and see what you think.
    If you have a photo of P.binaevella you can email it if you like but there are plenty of records from your area.
    There are only two records of Indian Meal Moth...we had the other in our kitchen! Do we shop in the same places? ;-)

  2. I agree it is likely Ephestia unicolorella (used to be parasitella). Up to Ina in the end but I'm tasked with chopping these whenever possible in case it is one of the very similar looking ones of the same genus (usually like the Indian Meal moth - from imported stuff).

    Phycitodes binaevella can be done on size, otherwise it should be in the next batch heading this way.

    Is that a Dusky Brocade?

  3. You're right about the Ephestia of course - I should have recognised it, but thrown by the size (FWL 11mm).
    For the DB, I was swayed by the shape of the oval, which seems to extend onto the costa, but happy to be corrected.
    Fortunately my meal moth was outside!


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