Thursday 4 July 2013

Gillian's 60w Robinson

Gill's trap did a good job for me (its new owner)last night: 83 moths, 31 sp of macros.
Light Arches was a new one for me I think.
12 Peppered, 7 Marbled white spots, and 7 white ermines were the most numerous.
This Green silver lines is a favourite for the beautiful balance of colours.
Any help with this one?  Its a bit worn. Wing length 9mm.


  1. With it's "snout" it's a crambid and with the time of year, it is almost certainly Chrysoteucha culmella

  2. Really like the photo of the Green Silver-lines - what a great colour!

  3. Peter, its got costal stripes and the outer x-line is absent. Is it all down to the two spots and pale line down the termen?

  4. Peter, its got costal stripes and the outer x-line is absent. Is it all down to the two spots and pale line down the termen?

  5. Liz, I'm pretty sure it's a Bactra sp. (Tortricidae), probably lancealana (generally common wherever rushes grow).

    Hope you can forgive an interloper from Glamorgan posting on the blog!

    George Tordoff

  6. You are very welcome to post! We are trying to extend the contributor list.


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