Thursday 2 August 2018

Cors Fochno - Rosy is alive and well

Fifty seven Rosy Marsh Moths in three small actinic traps last night, following a good larval count earlier in the year. Around 50 macro species and 15 plus micro species.
Notable micros - Crambus silvella, Aristotelia ericinella and some still to be determined. A minimum of 25 Endotricha flammealis, 1 Epermenia falciformis and a very nicely marked Epinotia nisella.

And a spider for Mike B.

Ina and Tony

Aristotelia ericinella

Crambus silvella

Double Kidney

Epinotia nisella

Garden Tigers

Rosy Marsh Moths


  1. That last one isn't a moth Ina!!

    1. Ha ha, I was hoping Mike would come up with an ID or add it to the county records!


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