Saturday 16 April 2016

Lunar Marbled Brown & Unusual Common Quaker

We set three traps last night in our garden and adjacent oak woodland.  Despite the minimum temperature of only 2.4°C we were rewarded with 41 moths of 14 different macro species, the most being in the woodland.  Notable for us were our first Lunar Marbled Brown, Shoulder Stripe, Red Chestnut and Early Tooth-striped.  We also found this unusual Common Quaker with confluent oval and kidney marks.  On a quick search of the internet all seemed to have the usual separate discal spots.

Carolyn & Evan

Lunar Marbled Brown

Shoulder Stripe

Red Chestnut

Common Quaker


  1. I can't remember seeing a Common quaker like that, but there is one almost identical on Norfolk moths website (photo 16 of 18). The Lunar marbled brown is slightly later than your first records for the last two years.

  2. Hi Carolyn and Evan. I get quite a few Common Quakers where the oval and kidney are touching, or even merge. On some moths the oval and kidney are separate on one side and touching on the other.

  3. Many thanks to you both- very interesting. We have been late starting to trap in the woodland this year because of the low night time temperatures which might explain the discrepancy in dates.


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