Monday 12 January 2015

Micro Tip 2 - Bucculatrix thoracella

Micro tips - Bucculatrix thoracella. Braved the elements in Chorlton, Manchester this am to photograph the lime trees at the end of the street, or more specifically the 2-3mm buff-coloured cocoons on the surface of the trunk. The thoracella larvae descend from the lime leaves in autumn on silken threads and land on the trunk forming these delicate ridged cocoons before pupating.

Look on the trunks of Lime Trees.
The B.thoracella larvae descend from the lime leaves in autumn on silken threads and land on the trunk forming these delicate, ridged, 2-3mm, buff-coloured cocoons before pupating.
No vc46 records could be the first to find it!!

Thanks again to Ben Smart for the photo.


  1. I keep consulting Arthur's book and it's building up the, there are more Limes around than I thought...not to say the moth is though!! ;-)

  2. If you want to find out what trees are in Aberystwyth look at GAG


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