Saturday 24 March 2018

Garden planting

I'm thinking about planting some 'moth friendly' plants at the end of my garden where I put the moth trap.

Does anyone know if this actually attracts moths?

Any recommendations as regards plants?


  1. Buddleia is good value. When you got out to the moth trap at night shine a light on the flowers and you can pick up pairs of eyes looking back at you.

  2. Goat Willow is good for spring nectar, a trap near it when it's flowering usually brings results. So if you have one already don't root it up as lots of people may do to make the place look tidy. I think you can get coloured stem varieties if you have to buy one.
    There have been and still is some on-going research into the value of moths as pollinators (see latest Butterfly mag if you have it.
    So, a brief list; any flowering plant will be good and as close to a native plant as possible. Dame's Violet, Dead Nettle, Echinacea, Hemp Agrimony, Honesty, Marjoram, Sweet William, Verbena bonariensis and Wall Flowers are just a few. Also as Evan says Buddleia, you can extend the flowering period by pruning at different times...they cope well.


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