Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Dart and Peacock

Two new moths for me in the garden trap last night:
Square-spot Dart (I think)
and Sharp-angled Peacock (I think)
The supporting cast included Narrow-winged Pug and (very worn) Rusty-dot Pearl.


  1. The Square-spot Dart looks ok, 11 of the 13 county records before this are from the Aberystwyth area and 8 of them were in the last 10 years. Not so sure about the Sharp-angled Peacock because they are difficult to separate from Peacock. Two of the features to look for in Sharp-angled are; a distinct grey cross band running through the paw print and continuing on the hindwing, and a broken dark line around the edge of both wings. Neither of these are clear from the photograph. Let me know if you still have the moth.

  2. Thanks Tony. I dont still have the peacock, but I will send you another photo.

  3. Interested in your final verdict Tony. The sub-terminal line on the hindwing looks dotted (=Sharp-angled), but the angle of view isn't terriffic.

  4. This has been confirmed as Sharp-angled Peacock. This is the most northerly record ever in Ceredigion. There has been a number of records at New Quay this year so hopefully it wont be long before we get them up here in the north.


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