Saturday 13 July 2024

Hungry Shark

The shark was back for a third time on the garden fence this morning. Highlights included Dingy Shears, Phoenix, Gold Triangle and Sallow Kitten, and FFY Rosy Footman, Grey Pine Carpet and True Lovers Knot. There were two Crescent Darts and an Elachista sp. still to identify.

At Cors Caron this afternoon there was no sunshine so it was all micros tapped from trees: several Argyresthia sp. including bonnetella, retinella, conjugella and brockeella, as well as Bucculatrix maryella, Paraswammerdamia nebulella, Rhopobota naevana and Pseudargyrotoza conwagana.  A Red Sword Grass caterpillar on Heather was nice.

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