Monday, 18 October 2021

Llawrcwrt - Dark Chestnut

Not much in the trap a couple of days ago. In fact only a couple of moths. One flew off leaving what I take to be a quite brightly marked Dark Chestnut. I tried Obsidentify as recommended by Philip, and it thought so too.

Sunday, 17 October 2021

Flounced Chestnut

 Winter is approaching.  We caught our first November aggregate Moths, Mottled Umber and Flounced Chestnut for this year, amongst a total of 13 macro species, last night.  The most numerous was the Chestnut in double figures and included our very first Pine Carpet.

Carolyn & Evan

Flounced Chestnut

Mottled Umber

November Moth agg.

Pine Carpet

Wednesday, 13 October 2021

Marbled White Spot

 Just 15 moths of six species in my LED trap last night, but a surprise was this Marbled White Spot. Apologies for the poor (phone) photograph.

I see Carolyn and Evan recorded one in mid-September last year.

Saturday, 9 October 2021

Oak Nycteoline

 We caught an Oak Nycteoline again this year from our neighbour's woodland. A total of ten macro species included Merveille du Jour, Lunar Underwing, Chestnut, Red and Yellow-line Quakers and a plethora of Red-green Carpet.

Carolyn & Evan

Oak Nycteoline

Merveille du Jour

Lunar Underwing


Last night I had 18 moths of 8 species.

I recently downloaded the free app ObsIdentify and thought I would give it a trial.

Having taken photos of all 8 species I then put them through the app and it identified them all accurately. 1 of them it wasn’t 100% sure of (Spruce Carpet) but it did appear at the top of the list of likely candidates.

ObsIdentify will never replace experience and field guides but I must say how impressed I was with it. For anybody who needs a helping hand to guide them towards the correct page in their moth book it is well worth installing.

I’ve also used it to help identify beetles.

Friday, 8 October 2021

Death's-head Hawk-moth

 The 14th Ceredigion record for this rare visitor to the county was found near Talsarn in a water container. It was rescued, dried out and has since recovered. The lady who found it described it as "walking up my sleeve, squeaking as it went". We have had 3 records since 2015, with none from 1983 to 2015.
