Monday 28 May 2018

Cwm Rheidol (micros)

I think this case-bearer, feeding on Hazel near Cwm Rheidol reservoir, is Coleophora binderella:
Nearby I saw Hysterophora maculosana and my first Nettle tap and Pseudargyrotoza conwagana of the year.

In the garden trap last night were FFY Grey Dagger (agg), Ruby Tiger, Foxglove Pug and Pebble Hooktip. A garden first was White-pinion Spotted (2). Among the micros were Cork Moth, Epinotia rubiginosana, Oegoconia quadripuncta, and Plutella porrectella:
Also an Ancylis sp. which I'm not sure about. This is the best photo I got before it escaped:
The little black line at the end looks better for unculana rather than the much commoner badiana.


  1. Plutella porrectella is another first record, although the dot is filled in on the maps there is nothing documented. This happens a lot here when all the counties around have a species it must be assumed they are also here. More a case of not being found maybe.
    Not completely sure about the case, looks to be one piece of leaf rolled round which would point to serratella, which can also occur on Hazel. C.binderella adds bits as it grows, maybe you had a better look at it than the photo shows. Did you bring it home?
    I will make some enquiries.
    A. uncilana would be another first and it is mainly a south east species so I would like to see the moth if possible.

    1. Thanks Ina. I expect you're right about the Coleophora. Ijust thought the case looked more jagged than serratella.
      We'll never know about the unculana - last seen heading SSE as fast as its wings could carry it.
      Lots of good micros this weekend: several Dichrorampha sequana at Tanybwlch today, attended by C microgrammana and two Thrift Clearwing. In the field behind our house, some Bucculatrix nigricomella and Spotted shoot was new for me, and Caloptilia azaleella came to light


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