Sunday 14 August 2016

Ynys-hir moths

We ran two traps at Ynys-hir last night and recorded 59 macro species and 25 micros (at least). We had five species of Thorn, Early, Purple, September, Dusky and Canary-shouldered. Firsts for us this year were Rosy rustic, Copper underwing, and Sallow kitten. A Heath trap on the marshy fields surprised us with 11 Oblique carpets.
Oblique carpet

Dusky thorn

September thorn
  The trap in the marsh area produced almost as many micros (13) as macros (15), so always worth going somewhere a little different.
Calybites phasianipenella (Ina assures me it was not dead!)

Gold triangle (Hypsopygia costalis)

Calamotropha paludella

Tony & Ina

1 comment:

  1. I had two Oblique Carpets and a Rosy Rustic here at Llawrcwrt this morning too. Ihey have got their timing very well worked out haven't they?


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