Saturday 9 June 2018

Clouded Buff

One of the worst named moths in the book in my opinion!  Clouded and buff do not come into my mind when looking at this stunner. Probably flew up from the bog (as I ran a 160w blended lamp) and was accompanied by a million midges half of which cooked on top of the inverted cafetiere glass I use as a rainguard.
Almost 60 species of the ones that survived the batfest and didn't fly away when I arrived at the trap at 5am, but I won't be using this lamp again as there is collateral damage which I cannot justify.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, it's a beautiful moth. This is only the 6th record for Cors Caron, 3 of them from the infamous trap back in the 1980's and 2 larval records from the bog in 1954 when they were said to be abundant.


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