Wednesday 22 January 2020

January Moths at Ynys-hir

Seven macro and two micro species last night.  A few photos below but seem to have forgotten the Mottled Umber of which there were 10.
Pale Brindled Beauty 4, including one f.monacharia.
Spring Usher 11.
Chestnut 15.
Dark Chestnut 1.
Winter Moth 3.
Dotted Border 3.
Tortricodes alternella 14.
Acleris ferrugana 1 (m).
Acleris ferrugana

Dark Chestnut - Chestnut.

Dark Chestnut - not the best example as termen is worn.

Dotted Border

Pale Brindled Beauty

Pale Brindled Beauty

Spring Usher

Tortricodes alternella

Winter Moth

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